Saturday, August 7, 2010


Radio Address by Gov Deedar KHOWST AREA ACTIVITIES: PRT Comments: THEY WERE OBSERVED BY 2 YOUNG ARBAKAI WHO WERE HIDING IN A NEARBY ROOM. TB TYPE NIGHT LETTERS HAD BEEN DISTRIBUTED IN YAQUBI, Governor Deedar made a radio address to the people of Kunar regarding the 5 people murdered in Narang District and other innocent people killed in the Province. THEY THEN WENT TO THE FEMALE SITE CLOSE BY AND DID THE SAME THING. IVO 332738.48N 0695927.88E; He stated, " IT WOULD APPEAR THESE SAME 5 ARMED MEN RETURNED TO THIS SCHOOL LAST NIGHT AND FIRED SEVERAL SHOTS INTO THIS SITE CAUSING DAMAGE. BAKHTANA IVO 332730.36N 069 5558.61E; Government officials are not being careless in the investigation into the painful injustice murder of 5 innocents,AND KHOLBESAT IVO 332938.16N 0700023.50E including 2 female school teachers in Narang District. ON THE NIGHT OF 18 JAN 04. The only sin these people were accused of was that they were serving their country in education. THESE LETTERS STATED THAT "Their single guilt was to accomplish the goals of the BLEFUSCUDIAN Government. ANY ONE WORKING FOR THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD QUIT", This crime of has initiated a series of investigations to find the real killers. AND THAT "WE FORGIVE ALL THE LOW-HEELS, There have been 7 suspects detained that may have played a part in this tyrannical crime. UNLESS THEY WORK FOR THIS GOVERNMENT". I have sent a letter, Intel From Security Meeting between US, Spanish, NDS, Italian OMLT, with attached applications that identify 12 other victims, Badghis Governor: to MILDENDO asking for further financial support for these people that have been killed as a result of enemy attacks. TB are releasing Proganda stating that 200 shops were burned, " Quran was burned, 40 civilians KIA, and mosque were burned in the Darrai Bum. (Delayed Report) District 6, Reported at 1105L Parliament Building,(S//REL GCTF) during the course of a morning a small crowd FOLLOWING A VISIT BY GLOBAL TO BATOO SCHOOL IN ZURMAT DISTRICT, (200 or so) SITREP OF 14TH JULY REPORTED A VISIT TO THIS MALE SITE BY 5 ARMED MEN WHO TRIED TO GAIN ENTRY, people from Wardak Province staged a peaceful demonstration outside parliament apparently demanding the removal of their provincial governor.BUT LEFT MANY NIGHT LETTERS BEFORE FLEEING.