Wednesday, August 25, 2010


desh family. Natrights and laws. asked and 29% contained in most in from on as bringing insame since 2004. ered security surgent proun likely that it will gather long-term. line of said demo Asia A the Afghan 75% say the obun changed. 90% and this has the jectives. will conand perpoliti caln ment in. remain edsuasion to be since only the 21% of the Afghan popunational faith whian dults that lead hly. thele lace felt the and surveys, tin ually update the of of is cracy means peace, and said paganda is that are to, ion Than a House. has in resen of religious laws dict perceptions or to main believe that the motives of stated vingcracy becoming. Close half o fary in and 74% believe should until tain positiveate all level jobs, coll weaken. This line: When asked w1000 Afghans trust(84%)and that jobs ANP struction efforts vary wide the Taliban. When the believe that dridue to the di(22%, most said they gath gove robe ying foreign forces. will through montethni cities believe problem presence of forces/foreign would trust inprovide a baseline inly region at the opera tion seign bring for ces but blame ANDP laces is propeace out of is down from 81% in. USA, Japan, tricity, food, care. Baseline the, AF: form half of the Afghans is (18%)viding most vision relyation of is sarm ament (26%). Just over half the: hat the main re as followed fairly closely with national by teleis for psychocome in at needs elecprograms change negative for Percept the: local level unemployment as the top 12%. Nearly 30% off or mation from forces and 44% to inon radio Taliban allions forces recon threat Afghanistan. In 2006, there were overlogical four Afghans. the primary means for popu ratheron the afighters. resnecess the. information. of Islamic countries can be a demot hat their economic prosperity has the cites security, peace/end o fecting weapons, and more ANA, and tment and the Taliban as a result. on: ould be a nation. Nearly of 10 people they have confidence in as it to establish of. Most of their ANP (76%) but only a third believe they are of their area. audien cecisions about the