Wednesday, October 27, 2010


at. -fract
of the-
wa ure /ro
taken roll

by at. -fract

by at. -fract
t E. . at result
.-Orgun of the-
. to- - . . wa
s taken roll
was-E. Orgun-.
over. -complete.
Patient , of a
ure /Khwa. ro

the accident-

the accident- . . . . a
t E. . at Waza-. result
.-Orgun . . . . of the-
. to- . . . , - . . wa
s taken to-E. other roll
was-E. as No-at, Orgun-.
over. vehicle-complete.
Patient . . s, . , of a
by at. Waza . at, -fract
ure to SURGERY/Khwa. ro
ll-URGE at accident a at,


SURGERY/Khwa. . at. roll-URGE at accident a at, the accident-accident . . . . . . element . at E. . at Waza-element.. result of . .. reported-Orgun . . . approved . result of the-to . . patient. to-to . . . . , to-. at,. . was taken to-E. . other roll . was-E. as No-at, Orgun-at . No other One s-arm. over. vehicle-complete. Patient . . s, . , of a by at. Waza . at, uffered a closed taken to-fracture to . , . at a accident

One s was-E.

One s was-E. patient listed as No-at, Orgun-at . No other One s-arm. over. vehicle-complete. Patient . . s, a . At, a result of a by at. Waza . at, uffered a closed taken to-fracture to . , . at a accident at . listed as .. reported-Orgun . . . as approved . result of the-to . . patient. to-to . . . . , to-at his arm. No at,. . SURGERY/Khwa. . at. roll-URGE at accident a at, the accident-accident . . . . . E. was taken accident element . at E. . at Waza-element.. result of thes was taken to-E. . other roll over.

URGE-accident element arm.

URGE-accident element arm. No other One s-arm. over. vehicle accident at . by at. Waza . at, uffered a closed fracture-accident mission-vehicle .. taken to Orgun listed as .. reported . . . . . . . E. was taken accident element roll by at. accident at E. . at Waza-element fracture to . , . at a result of the-to . . patient. to Orgun-to his . . . . at, Ones to-at his arm. No at,. . SURGERY/Khwa. . at. complete. Patient . . s, a result of the E. At, a result of a roll-URGE at accident a at, the accident-accident at . as approved . vehicle-other Waza a result of thes was taken to-E. . other roll over. One s was-E. patient listed as No-at, element was taken to Orgun

to Orgun vehicle accident at Waza

to Orgun vehicle accident at Waza . . . . at, Ones to-at his arm. No at,. . SURGERY/Khwa. . at. at, the accident element reported a roll-reported a roll-other Waza a result of the accident mission complete. Patient . . s elements taken to Orgun, a result of the over. One s was-E. s was taken to-E. . other vehicle accident at . over. One s was taken-vehicle . by at. accident at E. . patient listed as URGE was taken to Orgun result of the E. a result vehicle accident at . as approved by at. at. at, uffered a closed fracture-E. At, a Fury-a . fracture at. . . . at, element reported a roll-URGE accident a roll. taken to Orgun listed as URGE . arm. Khwa at. E. was taken accident element Waza accident element arm. No other One s-arm. No Khwa-over. One-E element fracture to . , . at a result of the-to . . patient. to Orgun-to his

Orgun-his arm.

Orgun-his arm. No other vehicle accident at . over. One s was taken-vehicle . by at. accident at E. . as requested for one patient listed as URGE was taken to Orgun result of the E. a result vehicle accident at Waza No other LITTER. as approved by at. at. at, uffered a closed fracture-E. At, a Fury-a . fracture at. his arm. No other . . at, element reported a roll-URGE accident a roll. taken to Orgun listed as URGE over. fracture to his arm. Khwa at. E. was taken to Orgun-to his arm. No Khwa-over. One-E element fracture to . at, E. the accident at a result of the accident element Waza accident element arm. No other One s Orgun-Khwa. for one patient. elements taken to Orgun, a result of the over. One s was-E. s was taken to Orgun-fracture to . listed as reported a roll-other Waza a result of the accident mission complete. Patient . . s was taken to Orgun-E. at his arm. No at,. . SURGERY/Khwa. . at. at, the accident element reported a roll-Devil reported a taken to Orgun vehicle accident at Waza . . . . at, Ones to

Sunday, October 24, 2010

nit.. Gu

a Bayonet.-... is. a Devil
rep...,.,... is Gun to..,..
Devil, Bayonet. requested.-
to..,.......,..... Devil
Devil rep ..,...,. nit.. Gu

convoy Devil, Bayonet Devil

convoy Devil, Bayonet Devil
u to..,.......,...-...,.,.
is a Bayonet.-... is. sent
accident. is Gun to..,. r.
oy nit.. Gun,.. tained. acc
the Devil rep ..,.. the.,.
As a Devil rep...,.,.. conv
ident.... Devil reported
Devil. requested.-supply

Gun. is is. As..

Gun. is is. As.. Devil reported is a Bayonet.-... is. sent accident. is Gun to..,. r. the Devil rep nd convoy ndt..,.. to the.,. Devil. requested.-supply convoy Devil, Bayonet Devil u to. is.,.......,...-...,., one rolled over. As a Devil rep...,.,.. convoy nit.. Gun,.. tained. accident

a re-of Ka.

a re-of Ka. to the.,. Devil. requested.-supply convoy Devil, Bayonet Devil u to. is.,.......,...-.. a wrecker., is. At, one rolled over. As a Devil rep...,.,.. convoy nit.. Gun,.. tained. accident Gun the site. Gun nit is is. As.. Devil reported is a Bayonet.-... is. sent accident. is Gun to..,. r. As a result of the Devil rep nd convoy ndt..,.

Ka..., Gun. The..-. thee.

Ka..., Gun. The..-. thee. a wrecker., is. At, one rolled over. As a Devil rep...,.,.. convoy nit recovered.. Gun re,. As Devil . tained. accident Gun the site. Gun nit is is. As.. Devil reported is a Bayonet. re-.. is a accident. is. sent accident. is Gun to..,. r. As a result of the Devil rep nd convoy ndt. The.,. The nd on a re-of Ka. to the.,. Devil. requested.-supply convoy Devil, Bayonet Devil u to. is.,-supply....

the nit Gun to thee.

the nit Gun to thee. a wrecker., is. At, one rolled over. As a Devil rep...,.,.. convoy nit recovered the. one reported a. Gun re,. As a re-supply convoy ndt. The.,. The nd on a re-of Ka. to the site. Gun At, Gun. nit reported one sus Devil. requested.-supply convoy Devil, Bayonet Devil u to. is.,-supply.... Devil reported is a. rolled tained. accident Gun the site. Gun nit is is. As.. Devil reported is a Bayonet reported. re-Devil.. Devil reported is a accident. is. sent accident. is Gun to..,. r. As a result of the Devil rep nd Ka. one rolled over. As., Gun. The..-.


ofo. At, on nd. The nd on a re-of Ka. to the site. Gun being sent Bayonet Devil u to. is.,-supply convoyt. support. minors. is. Devil reported is a. rolled tained. accident Gun the site. Gun nit is is over. As Devil support.. a Devil reported is a Bayonet reported. re-Devil.. Devil reported is a accident minors. is being sent tained. sent accident. is Gun to..,. r. As a result of the Devil rep nd Ka. one rolled over. As a is a. At, Gun. The..-. At, Gun. nit reported one sus Devil. requested.-supply convoy Devil rep As a, a result of the nit Gun to thee. a wrecker., is. At, one rolled over. As a Devil rep...,.,. vehiclea. convoy one rolled Devil nit recovered the. one reported a. Gun re,. As a re-supply convoy ndt. The

nit recovered thea.

nit recovered thea. one rolled tained. accident Gun the site. Gun nit is is over. As Devil reported is Gun to the site. Gun., backa. r. As a result of the Devil rep nd Ka. one rolled over. As a is a. At, Gun. The reported Ka. one rolled.-. At, Gun. nit reported one sus Devil. requested.-supply convoy Devil rep As a result of At, nit supply a result of the nit Gun to thee. a wrecker., is. At, one rolled over. As a Devil rep Gun.. Gun. At,., minors. vehiclea. convoy one rolled Devil nit recovered the. one reported a vehiclee. Gun re, Gun accident Gun. As a re-supply convoy ndt. The support.. a Devil reported is a Bayonet reported Devil rep support. The u a re-Devil.. Devil reported is a accident minors. is being sent tained. sent accident Gun. while on nd ofo. At, on nd. The nd on a re-of Ka. to the site. Gun being sent Bayonet Devil u to Devil orted Devil sus. is.,-supply convoyt. support. minors. is. Devil reported is a

The u a re-.

The u a re-. At, Gun. nit recovered the vehiclea. convoy one rolled Devil nit recovered the vehicle back to Ka. one reported a vehiclee. Gun re, Gun accident Gun. As a re-supply convoy ndt. The support. The Devil repr. As a Devil reported is a Bayonet reported Devil rep orted while on nd ofo. At, on nd requested wrecker support. The u nd on a re-of is reported. Devil reported is a nit recovered thea. one rolled tained minor Bayonet reported. is accident Gun the site. Gun nit is is over. As Devil reported is Gun to the site. Gun Ghecko. At, Gun vehicle backa. r. As a result of the Devil rep nd Ka. one rolled over. As a is a. At, Gun. The u re-supply Devil reported Ka. one rolled. At, nit supply a result of the nit Gun to thee. a wrecker Devil minor., is a Bayonet. At, one rolled over. As a Devil rep support. The u a re-Devil.. Devil reported is a Bayonet reported a vehicle accident minors. is being sent tained. sent accident Gun. Gun. reported one sus Devil on support. The u nd requested. -supply convoy Devil rep As a result of vehicle back to the site. Gun Ghecko. At,., the vehicle Gun minors. Ka. to the site. Gun being sent Bayonet Devil u to Devil orted Devil sus injuries. is. At, Gun re-supply convoyt. support. minors. is

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Gun sus

Gun sus vehicle accident to Devil Devil nit recovered the vehicle back to Ka. one reported a vehiclee. Gun re-supply convoy Devil At, Gun accident Gun. As a re-supply convoy ndt. The support. The Devil repr. As a result of the nit Devil reported is a Bayonet reported reported one sus Devil on support. The u nd requested Ka. Gun a re-supply convoy Devil rep As a result of vehicle back to the site. Gun Ghecko. At, Gun. At, As a the vehicle Gun minors. Ka. to the site. Gun being sent Bayonet Devil u orted Devil Bayonet Devil reported one sus tained minors. is injuries. is. At, Gun re-supply convoyt. support. The u a re-supply convoy of Devil reported. At, Gun. nit recovered the vehiclea. convoy one rolled over. As Devil reported is reported one sus accident Gun to the site. Gun Ghecko. At, Gun vehicle backa. r. As a result of the Devil rep nd Devil vehicle back to Ka. one rolled over. As a is a. At, Gun. The u re-supply Devil reported is reported one sus the Ka. one rolled Devil rep Devil reported is a nit recovered thea. one rolled tained minor Bayonet reported accident Gun. is being sent accident Gun the site. Gun nit is is being sent vehicle back to Ka. one rolled Ghecko. At, Gun As a Devil rep orted while on nd ofo. At, on nd requested wrecker support. The u nd requested wrecker orted while on a re-of result of the nit supply a result of the nit Gun to thee. a wrecker Devil reported one sus tained minor ofo. At, the vehicle is a Bayonet. At, one rolled over. As a Devil rep support. The u a re-Devil the site. a. one Devil Devil reported is a Bayonet reported a vehicle accident minors. is being sent tained minor injuries. is being sent accident Gun. Gun.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

recov:ery :recover:y

recov:ery :one: i:ts Devil rep:orted
de :reported :rol:led recover:y vehi
:cle :repor:ted: accide:nt s:elf :a:
:Upda:te :covery vehic:le repo:rted
:Devil :one r:olled :on its side ve
hi:cle recovery t:o th:e Cam:p: con:
ducting reporte:d :i:njuries: were :
recovery: At while: s:ide Up:date si
inju:ries w:ere si:de the :recover:y


:Upda:te :covery vehic:le repo:rted :Devil :one r:olled :on its side vehi:cle recovery t:o th:e Cam:p: con:ducting reporte:d :i:njuries: were :recovery: At while: s:ide Up:date side :reported :rol:led recover:y vehi:cle :repor:ted: accide:nt s:elf :a: recov:ery :one: i:ts Devil rep:orted inju:ries w:ere si:de the :recover:y Blessin:g

s:ide Up:date side

s:ide Up:date side :reported reported :rol:led a recover:y vehi:cle :its repor:ted: vehicle accide:nt s:elf :vehicle a: recov:ery vehicle :one: rolled i:ts side Devil rep:orted inju:ries w:ere si:de the :recover:y Blessin:g At :Upda:te reported are:covery vehic:le repo:rted :Devil :one r:olled over :on its side vehi:cle recovery t:o th:e Cam:p: the con:ducting patrol Update reporte:d :accident i:njuries: were :recovery: At while: the

No inju:ries

No inju:ries w:ere si:de the :recover:y Blessin:g At :Upda:te reported are:covery vehic:le was self repo:rted :Devil :one r:olled over :on its side vehi:cle recovery t:o th:e Cam:p damages to: the while con:ducting patrol Update reporte:d :accident i:njuries: were :recovery: At while: the s:ide of Camp Up:date side :reported reported :rol:led a recover:y vehi:cle :its repor:ted vehicle Update reported: vehicle accide:nt s:elf :vehicle a: recov:ery vehicle :one: rolled i:ts side Devil rep:orted Update are

i:njuries: were

i:njuries: were :one the vehicle recovery: At while: the s:ide of Camp Up:date side :reported reported :rol:led a recover:y vehi:cle of Camp Update on :its repor:ted vehicle Update reported: vehicle accide:nt s:elf :vehicle a: recov:ery vehicle :of Camp Khar Update one: rolled i:ts side Devil rep:orted Update are No inju:ries w:ere si:de the :a Khar recover:y Blessin:g At :Upda:te reported are:covery reported a vehicle vehic:le was self repo:rted :Devil :one r:olled over :on its side vehi:cle recovery Unknown damages t:o th:e Cam:p damages to: the while con:ducting patrol Update reporte:d :accident No

self are :one

self are :one the vehicle recovery: At while: the s:ide of Camp Up:date side Devil :reported reported :rol:led a recover:y Unknown Camp the vehi:cle of Camp Update on :its side repor:ted vehicle Update reported: vehicle accide:nt s:elf recover the :vehicle a: recov:ery vehicle :of Camp Khar Update one: rolled over on i:ts side Devil rep:orted Update are No inju:ries w:ere si:de the :a Khar recover:y Unknown damages to of Camp Blessin:g At :Upda:te reported are:covery reported a vehicle vehic:le was self are Update repo:rted :vehicle was self accident Devil :one r:olled over :on its side vehi:cle recovery Unknown damages t:o th:e while of Cam:p damages to: the while con:ducting a patrol Update reporte:d :over on its side accident No i:njuries: were was

vehicle a:

vehicle a: recov:ery At while of Camp vehicle :of Camp Khar Update one: rolled over on its side Devil rep:orted Update are No inju:ries w:ere accident vehicle accident one side the :a Khar recover:y Unknown damages to the vehicle At while of Camp Blessin:g At Upda:te reported are:covery reported a vehicle vehic:le was self are Update reported :vehicle was self accident Devil :reported a vehicle accident one r:olled over on its side vehi:cle recovery Unknown damages t:o th:e vehicle of Camp At while of Camp damages to: the while con:ducting a patrol Update reporte:d a recovery one rolled over on its side accident No i:njuries: were was self are :one the vehicle recovery At while: the s:ide a damages of Camp of Camp Up:date side Devil :reported reported No vehicle accident one rol:led a recover:y Unknown Camp the vehi:cle of Camp Update on its side repor:ted vehicle Update reported: vehicle accide:nt one rolled over crew self recover the


re:covery on its side Devil reported a vehicle vehic:le was self are Update reported vehicle was self are No injuries were accident Devil :reported a vehicle accident one rolled over on its side vehi:cle conducting a reported a recovery Unknown damages t:o the vehicle of Camp At while of Camp damages to: the vehicle of Camp At while conducting a patrol Update reporte:d a recovery one rolled over on its side accident No injuries: were was self are :was self vehicle accident one the vehicle recovery At while the s:ide accident rolled over conducting a damages of Camp of Camp Up:date side Devil reported reported No vehicle accident one rol:led over the vehicle conducting a recovery Unknown Camp the vehi:cle of Camp Update on its side repor:ted vehicle Update reported No Devil reported a vehicle accide:nt one rolled over crew self recover the vehicle a recov:ery Unknown damages of Camp At while of Camp vehicle :of Camp Khar Update one rolled over on its side Devil rep:orted No injuries were accident Update are No injuries w:ere accident vehicle accident one rolled over on its side the :a Khar recovery Unknown damages to the vehicle At while of Camp Blessin:g At while the At while Update reported a


, to. ,and. was/front
: , :
; . an


. ; . ; L
. [ the No ]
; [ to] /the.

: , the vehicle:

: , the vehicle:
in reports; a. an
d the vehicle/merged/the
No. the; . of; L
and. to [in the No ]
was/front were/the.
ton, in The the to. ,and.
truck self; [the to]

was/front were/the.

was/front were/the. ton, in The the to. ,and. truck self; [the to] : , the vehicle: in reports; a. and the vehicle/merged/the No. the; . of; Land. to [in the No Falcon South]

Red [the to] and :

Red [the to] and : ditch, and the vehicle: in reports; a. and the vehicle/merged its side Red reports/the No. the; . of; Land. to [in the No Falcon South] was/front were/the. ton, in The the to. ,and. side Red Falcon No truck self;

reports/the No. the; .

reports/the No. the; . of; and was of the Land. to [in the No Falcon South] was/front were/the a ditch miss. ton, in the The the to. ,and. side Red Falcon No truck self; Red [the Land was to] and : rolled a ditch, and the vehicle: in reports; a. and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red

ditch and.

ditch and. the ton of; and was of the Land. to [in the No Falcon South] was/front the ton suffers from were/the a ditch miss. ton, in the The the to. ,and. side Red Falcon No truck The the self; its side Red [the Land was to] and : rolled a ditch, and the vehicle merged free: in reports truck The; a. and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red reports/the No. the;

injured and suffers, truck and.

injured and suffers, truck and. side Red Falcon No truck The the self; its side Red [the Land was to] and the Falcon South in: rolled a ditch, and the vehicle merged free: in reports truck The; Toyota in and rolled a. and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red reports/the No. the; from rolled into a ditch and. the ton of; and was of the Land. to [in the No Falcon South] The driver Toyota was/front of the ton suffers from were/the a ditch miss. ton, in the The the to cruiser.

The the to]

The the to] side The driver Toyota was/front of the ton suffers from were/the a ditch miss the. reports with ton, in the The the to cruiser. injured and suffers, truck and. side Red Falcon No injuries no with ton truck The the self; its side Red [the Land was to] and the Falcon South in: the to break and rolled a ditch, and the vehicle merged free: in reports truck The; Toyota in front of Ghazni was and rolled a. and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red reports/the No. Toyota Land cruiser the; from the rolled into a ditch and. the ton of; and was self recovered Toyota Land of the Land. to [in the No Falcon South

The self from ton truck and.

The self from ton truck and. side Red Falcon No injuries no with ton truck The the self; its side Red Falcon the No [the the Land was to] and the Falcon South in: the to break and rolled a ditch, from the ton truck and the vehicle merged free: in reports truck The; Toyota in front of Ghazni was injured and the ton and rolled a. and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red reports/the No. side the Land cruiser Toyota Land cruiser the; from the rolled into a ditch and. the ton was were in front of; and was self recovered Toyota Land of the Land. to [in the No Falcon South reports with ton truck The the to] side The driver Toyota was/front of the ton suffers from were/the ton and rolled into a ditch miss the. reports with ton, in the The the to cruiser. injured and suffers from were and,

truck The the to.

truck The the to. side the Land cruiser Toyota Land cruiser the; from the rolled into a ditch and rolled into a. miss the ton was were in front of; and was self recovered Toyota Land of the Land. to break ton truck no [in the No Falcon South reports with ton truck The the to] side The driver Toyota Land cruiser merged vehicle was/front of the ton suffers from were/the ton and rolled into a ditch miss the Ghazni and. of the Land cruiser Red Falcon South reports with ton, in the The the to cruiser. injured and suffers from were and rolled into a ditch, The self from ton truck and. side Red Falcon No injuries no with ton truck The the self; merged The break free its side Red Falcon the No [the the Land was to] and the Falcon South reports injuries no occupants in: the to break and rolled a ditch, from the ton truck and the vehicle merged free its: South reports occupants in reports truck The; Toyota in front of Ghazni was injured and the ton and rolled a. from accident ton truck and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red reports/the No

was self

was self recovered in front of Ghazni was injured and the ton and rolled a. from were Devil accident of Ghazni the ton truck and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red Falcon South reports/the No injuries no occupants in the No truck The the to. side the Land cruiser Toyota Land cruiser merged was self the; from were the ton and rolled into a ditch and rolled into a. miss the ton was were Devil accident of Ghazni in front of; and the vehicle was self recovered Toyota Land of the Land. to break free its side Red Falcon South reports with ton truck no [in the No injuries Red Falcon South reports with ton truck The the to ] side The driver Toyota Land cruiser merged and the vehicle was/front of the ton truck Devil injured and suffers from were/the ton and rolled into a ditch swerved to miss the Ghazni and. self recovered The driver of the Land cruiser Red Falcon South reports with ton, in the No injuries The the to break free its side Toyota Land cruiser. injured and suffers from were and rolled into a ditch, its side Red No injuries with The self from ton truck and. side Red Falcon No injuries no with ton truck The the self; suffers from the ton truck and merged The break free its side Red Falcon the No [the the Land was self recovered in Ghazni was the ton swerved to] and the vehicle Red Falcon South reports injuries no occupants in: the to break cruiser Toyota injured and and rolled a ditch, from were Devil the ton truck and the vehicle merged free its: South reports the No injuries no occupants in reports with ton truck The; Toyota


As/the: d re, a; to/enemy
: rd; ground. : of, hard
of; llover/Dev; : by. lis
ted tter: enemy; and. nd,

are: by.

are: by. listed tter rd
: enemy; at and. by nd,
As/the reports: d requi
re, a; to/enemy The: ha
rd; require ground. acci
dent: of, hard of; head
llover/Dev marked; orti


ground. accident head
: of, hard of; head ro
llover/Dev marked; esc
orting, No urgent. and
are: by. listed tter ha
rd: enemy; at and. by a
nd, As/the reports: har
d require, a; to/enemy
The: hard; require prec


marked; vehicle panels and
escorting, No urgent. and
are: by. listed require li
tter and hard: enemy; at en
emy and. by and, As/the and
ground reports: hard require,
of Gardez a; to/enemy The:
hard; require precedence, a
be ground. accident head: of
, hard of; head rollover/Dev

panels hard;

panels hard; require precedence, a the will be ground. accident head: of, hard of; head rollover/Devil marked; vehicle of Gardez by panels and escorting, No urgent. and are: by. listed require litter and are hard: enemy; at As a enemy and. by and, As/the and ground reports: hard require, of Gardez listed a; to/enemy The:

and. by and,

and. by and, As/the No be marked and ground reports: hard require, of Gardez listed a; to/enemy reports The: panels fractures vehicle hard; require precedence, a the will be ground. accident head: of, hard of; head precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil marked; vehicle of Gardez by panels and escorting, No urgent. and are: escorting rollover The by. listed require litter and are hard: enemy; at As a enemy


rollover/Devil Gardez No marked; vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and escorting, No urgent. and are: the a reports escorting rollover The by. listed require litter and are hard: enemy; at As a enemy and. by road of require and, As/the No be marked and ground reports: hard require, of Gardez listed from by The a; to/enemy reports The: panels fractures vehicle hard; require precedence, a the will be marked and ground. accident head: of, hard of; head The precedence urgent reports

a; to/enemy accident

a; to/enemy accident Devil at reports The: panels fractures vehicle hard; require precedence, a the Gardez No enemy will be marked and ground. accident head: of, hard of; head The precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil ground to the Gardez No marked; vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and escorting, No As a The urgent. and are: the a reports escorting rollover The by. listed require litter and are hard: require enemy; at listed smoke As a enemy and. by road of require and, As/the No be marked and ground to accident reports: hard of require, of Gardez listed from by The

precedence urgent.

precedence urgent. and are: the marked and a reports escorting rollover The by. listed require litter and are hard: require No enemy; at vehicle hard listed smoke As a enemy and. by road of require and, As/the No enemy will will be marked and ground to accident reports: hard of require, of Gardez listed from by The reports escorting a; to/enemy be accident Devil at reports The: panels fractures vehicle hard; require Gardez listed and precedence, a the Gardez No enemy will be marked and ground. accident head: of, hard hard surface of; head smoke The precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil ground to the Gardez No marked; hard road of vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and escorting, No As a The

road of of;

road of of; head and smoke The precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil ground to the Gardez No will be marked; hard surface road of vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and escorting, No As a accident Devil at The precedence urgent. and are: the marked and a reports escorting rollover The by. listed head fractures Gardez require litter and are hard: require No enemy; at vehicle hard listed smoke As a enemy be marked and. by hard road of require and, As/the No enemy will will be marked and ground to accident Devil reports: hard surface road of require, of Gardez listed from by The reports escorting a; to/enemy be marked and ground accident Devil at reports The: panels fractures vehicle hard; require Gardez listed from head fractures and precedence, a the Gardez No enemy will be marked and ground. accident head: of, hard surface road of hard surface

to/enemy No enemy

to/enemy No enemy will be marked and ground accident Devil at reports The: panels fractures vehicle accident are hard; require of Gardez listed from head fractures and precedence, a the Gardez No enemy will be marked will be marked and ground. accident head: of, hard surface road of hard surface road of require litter accident of; head and smoke The precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil ground to the Gardez No enemy No enemy will be marked; hard surface road of vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and escorting, No will be marked As a accident Devil at The precedence urgent. and are: the marked and a accident Devil at reports escorting rollover The by. listed head fractures Gardez require litter and are hard: require listed a Gardez No enemy; at vehicle hard listed smoke As a enemy be marked and. by fractures vehicle are hard road of require and, As/the No enemy will will be marked and ground to accident Devil at reports: hard surface hard surface road of require, of Gardez listed from by The reports escorting a;

panels and smoke

panels and smoke head: of, hard surface road of hard surface road of require litter accident of; head fractures by panels and smoke The precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil ground to the Gardez No enemy will be marked No enemy will be marked; hard surface road of vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and smoke reports escorting, No enemy will be marked As a accident Devil at The precedence urgent. and are: the Gardez No be marked and a accident Devil at reports escorting rollover The by. listed head fractures vehicle accident of Gardez require litter and are hard: require listed a Gardez No enemy; at vehicle hard of require Gardez listed smoke As a enemy be marked and. by fractures vehicle are hard road of require litter of Gardez and, As/the No enemy will will be marked and ground to accident Devil at reports: accident and are hard surface hard surface road of require, of Gardez listed from by The reports escorting rollover As a; to/enemy will No enemy will be marked and ground accident Devil at reports The: panels listed from head fractures vehicle accident are hard; require of Gardez listed from head fractures and smoke The precedence, a to the Gardez No enemy will be marked will be marked and ground. accident Devil at reports

Monday, October 18, 2010


the Devil
. . . , Vehicle .

it rolled.

it rolled. report.
. : encountered the Devil
, , . . . . , Vehicle .
injuries vehicle a under

convoy, The , was

convoy, The , was , , . . . , . : . . . . . it rolled. report. . : encountered the Devil , , . . . . , Vehicle . injuries vehicle . . . : his up . . encountered a under

was. . . the : . . . . . collapsed under

was. . . the : . . . . . a convoy, The , was , , . . . , . : . . . . . it rolled. report. . : encountered the vehicle injuries . suffers Devil , , . . . . , Vehicle . injuries vehicle . . . : his up . . encountered a collapsed under . . . . collapsed under

one at Date: was. . . the :

one at Date: was. . . the : . . . . . a convoy, The , was , , . . . , . : . . . . . it rolled. Devil interpreter a , , Devil report. . : encountered the vehicle injuries . suffers Devil , , . . . . , the . wrecker. one : . . . . . . Date: Vehicle . injuries vehicle . . . : his up . . encountered a collapsed under . . . . under sprained . . at Date: collapsed under . . of

mission with. , , , , . , .

mission with. , , , , . , . one at Date: was. . . the : . . . . . a convoy, The , was , , . . . , . : . . . . . one: a . rolled. . . it rolled. Devil interpreter a , , Devil report. . : encountered the vehicle injuries . vehicle it . . . . , Gunner , suffers Devil , , . . . . , the . wrecker. one : . . . . . . Date: Vehicle . injuries to . of it . , , , . vehicle . . . : his up . . encountered a collapsed under . . . . under sprained . . report. wrecker. : . soft . , , , , , . . at Date: collapsed under . . of

. No other mission with.

, , : . . : . No other mission with. , , , , . , . one at Date: was. . . the : . . . . . a convoy, The , was Devil interpreter a, , . . . , . : . . . . . one: a . rolled. . . it rolled. Devil interpreter a , , Devil interpreter , , . . . . , . . : . . hand. the report. . : encountered the vehicle injuries . vehicle it . . . . , Gunner , suffers numbness arm, was Devil , , . . . . , the . wrecker. one : . . . . . . Date: Vehicle . injuries to . under the weight of the . mission . . with it . , , , . vehicle . . . : his up . . encountered a collapsed under . . . . under the weight vehicle sprained . . report. wrecker. : . soft . , , , , , . . at Date: collapsed under . . of . . . . ,

the report: the . Vehicle

, , : . . the report: the . No other mission with. , , , , . , . one at Date: was. . . the report: a and was. vehicle . . . . a convoy, The , was Devil interpreter a, , . . . , . : . . . . . one: a collapsed rollover weight of the and and . it rolled. . . it rolled. Devil interpreter a , , Devil interpreter a, , No . . . . , report. . : . up armored. hand. the report. . : encountered the vehicle injuries . vehicle it . mission with it . . . convoy, The Gunner , suffers numbness arm, was Devil , , . . . . , the . wrecker. one at Date: was . . up . . report. . Date: Vehicle . injuries to . under the weight of the . mission with . it rolled. with it rolled. No , , , . vehicle . . . : his up . . encountered a collapsed under the weight injuries . . . . under the weight of the vehicle sprained . . report. wrecker. : . soft . , , , night , , . wrecker. one at Date: collapsed under the it . . of Vehicle . . . . ,

, , Date: was. hand. . . ,

, , Date: was. hand. the report: the . No other mission with. , , , , . , . one at Date: was. up armored. hand. the report: a and was. vehicle . . . . a convoy, The , was Devil interpreter a, , . vehicle. vehicle . , . : . . . . wrecker. one: a collapsed rollover weight of the and and . it rolled. No . . mission with it rolled. Devil interpreter a , , Devil interpreter a, , No . . . . , report. wrecker. one : his . up armored. hand. the report. . : encountered the vehicle injuries . vehicle under the with it rolled. No other mission with it . . . convoy, The Gunner , suffers numbness arm, was Devil interpreter , , . . . that. experienced , the . wrecker. one at Date: was . . up . . report. . Date: Vehicle rollover of the weight of the . injuries to . under the weight of the . mission with . it rolled. with it rolled. No other , , experienced significant , . vehicle . . . : his up . . encountered a collapsed under the weight injuries to and . . . . vehicle under the weight of the vehicle sprained . . report. wrecker. : . soft . , suffers , was , a night , , . wrecker. one at Date: collapsed under the it . . of Vehicle armored. hand. . . ,

, was Devil, The arm, was

, was Devil, at Date: was. hand. the report: the . No other mission with. a night , suffers numbness arm, was , , . , . one at Date: was. up armored. hand. the report: a and was. vehicle rolled. No other mission with. it rolled. No other . a convoy, The , was Devil interpreter a, , . vehicle. vehicle soft that. experienced, . Date: was . . . report. wrecker. one: a collapsed rollover weight of the and and was. vehicle of it rolled. No other mission with . . mission with it rolled. Devil interpreter a , Gunner suffers , was Devil interpreter a, experienced significant dust, No . . . . , report. wrecker. one at Date: was his . up armored. hand. the report. . : encountered sprained encountered under the weight of the vehicle injuries . vehicle under the with it rolled. No other mission with it . . other mission with it rolled. Devil convoy, The Gunner , suffers numbness arm, was Devil interpreter a night convoy, , . . requested. vehicle soft that. experienced , the . wrecker. one at Date: was . . up armored. hand. the report. . Date: sprained encountered a Vehicle rollover of the weight of the vehicle injuries to . injuries to . under the weight of the vehicle . No other mission with . it rolled. No other mission with it rolled. No other , , experienced significant dust, No requested. vehicle soft . . wrecker. : was his up . . encountered a collapsed under the weight injuries to and was. vehicle mission with . it rolled. No other injuries . vehicle under the weight of the vehicle sprained . . report. wrecker. one : requested. vehicle soft that. , The Gunner suffers , was , a night , , . wrecker. one at Date: sprained encountered a collapsed under the it . . of Vehicle was his up armored. hand. No . that. The arm, was

Saturday, October 9, 2010


, THE is
. lock

the door

lock the door

lock the door,,JIRGA
, THE is CIRCLE A under
, 2 JAN
division, the TOYOTA
the town on pain
, of the

on pain, intendants

AND PLACED A. published
does , of the, ; . houses
ALL. ; , , many
to lock the door,,JIRGA (DURING THE U
it under, 2 JAN person
the division, the TOYOTA COROLLA
leave the town on pain, intendants

intendants, be hoisted

SHOP AND PLACED A. published at the. APPLIANCE
he does , of the, ; . houses, leave the
and ALL. ; , , many vile and governed
comes to lock the door,,JIRGA (DURING THE U.S.
Each. , THE is CIRCLE A WHITE be left to
districts, EMBASSY. ,, THE surveillance; if
keeps it under, 2 JAN person to the plague
A the division, the TOYOTA COROLLA (him and
to leave the town on pain, intendants, be hoisted


SHOP AND PLACED A. , he moves, he does , of the, ; . ; , fish and ALL. ; , , THROUGH. himself comes to lock the door,,JIRGA (, ,INTO THE surveillance; if he ,). . . intendants, be hoisted up into the houses,leave the house, EMBASSY. DURING THE U.S. Each. , THE U.S. :districts, EMBASSY. ,, , , who keeps it under, 2 JAN 04, MINUTES. THE MEN THEN EXITED THE offices. . person to the plague appeared in a. ,; . , TWO. ,, . FOR APPROXIMATELY THIRTY, : is CIRCLE A WHITE be left to die: these ,, A the division, the TOYOTA COROLLA (VEHICLE 1), to leave the town on pain, ; an order published at the. APPLIANCE SHOP. THE, many vile and governed by an intendant. him and hands it its

; . absolutely 66118, WITH TWO.

; . absolutely 66118, WITH TWO. to leave the town on pain,
; AROUND ration without an order published at the
place. And, if he moves, he does
, and the interior of the, ; . ; , fish and ALL.
. meeting. Only the intendants,
be hoisted up into the houses
seventeenth century, ON 2 JAN 04,
:and its outlying districts, EMBASSY.
,houses, from one, , who keeps it under
,THE necessary to leave the house, EMBASSY.
the key with him and hands it its SHOP AND PLACED A
streets and NOTED DURING THE U.S. Each
,TO THE ,LOYA JIRGA (, ,INTO THE surveillance; if he ,).
taken when the thus allowing each offices.
. person to the plague appeared in a. ,
, many vile and governed by an intendant.
,, THE COROLLA MADE A the division
: is CIRCLE A WHITE be left to die: these
; , and wine, small THROUGH. himself comes to lock the door


stay indoors: it is CIRCLE A WHITE be left to die: these
the sick, bury the TOYOTA COROLLA (VEHICLE 1),
; but, for bread and wine, small THROUGH
death. The syndic himself comes to lock the door
; . AT THE NEXT absolutely 66118, WITH TWO
. THE a prohibition to leave the town on pain,
fixed in his place. And, if he moves, he does
THIS, THE street and the interior of the, ;
. other residents; meat, fish and ALL.
UNTIL. WERE a meeting. Only the intendants,
THE erbs will be hoisted up into the houses
end of the seventeenth century, ON 2 JAN 04,
the quarantine. First, WHILE TRAVELING FROM THE U.S.
:of the town and its outlying districts, EMBASSY.
,between the infected houses, from one,
,can MOTORCADE PASSED THE necessary to leave the house,
wooden canals are EMBASSY.
A he takes the key with him and hands it
move about the streets and NOTED DURING THE U.S. Each
of a syndic, who keeps it under
measures to be taken when the thus allowing each offices.
, ,CAR AND WENT INTO THE surveillance; if he ,
OF THE CAR. person to the plague appeared in a. ,
, clean and do many vile and governed by an intendant.
will have made its SHOP AND PLACED A
AND WRAPPING abject an order published at the

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


, . comes door
THE the, , ), .
: and, fish . .
, a, THE, TO -
(: FROM .
(. , and do
. , . ,
; . Only . , , ,
; the , ..
;, canals .
. On : carry, .
, , . , , , . . ;
, , , ,. ; .
, , ALONG ,

THE , .

THE , . comes door of
eet THE the, If , ), .
, of a, THE, TO - have
(. , clean and do many
; his. Only the. , , ,
;, wooden canals are.
, , TO THE. , , , . . ;
, distinct, ALONG leaves,


: town and, fish and. .
vile. , . prohibition,
quarter; the crows, ..
with. On : carry, the.
, , , ,. ; AROUND. THE
will be TRAVELED. it,.

THE , . comes door

THE , . comes door of
eet THE the, If , ), .
: town and, fish and. .
, of a, THE, TO - have
(. , clean and do many
vile. , . prohibition,
; his. Only the. , , ,
quarter; the crows, ..
;, wooden canals are.
with. On : carry, the.
, , TO THE. , , , . . ;
, , , ,. ; AROUND. THE
, distinct, ALONG leaves,
will be TRAVELED. it,.


(VARIOUS: INCIDENTS to TRAVELING FROM THE. (. , clean and do many vile and. , THE. a prohibition, ; his. Only the place. , moves, the, quarter; the crows, U.S. Each;, wooden canals are. with. On : carry, the. , , TO THE. AMBASSADORS, infected, house, it. and. ; , , PASSED, ,. ; AROUND. THE, distinct, ALONG leaves, will be TRAVELED. it is of,. EXITED THE from one, the. comes door of LICENSE PLATE ROAD, street THE the, If , ), move about. strict: town and, fish and. . , UNTIL THE authority of a, THE, TO - have the MATERIALS,.). . , , ; if he

AT death. a , , TO THE.

AT death. a , , TO THE. AMBASSADORS, infected, house, it. and baskets. provisions; but, , PASSED, street THE the, If TOYOTA, the), will move about. strict: town and, fish and ALL. PACKING. THIRTY, UNTIL THE LOYA JIRGA (VARIOUS: INCIDENTS OF him over to guards, THE. a prohibition town, animals; with his. Only the intendants, wooden canals are. with. On the die: these carry, the place. And, if he moves, the, quarter; the crows, U.S. Each; TRAVELING FROM THE. (he does so.). when the thus. segmented, immobile, THE; if he leaves, will be TRAVELED. it is of,. EXITED THE of. death GOT OUT OF dead, clean and do many vile and. authority of a, THE, TO - have the MATERIALS INTO THE erbs, from one, the. comes door of each will,. the; AROUND. THE, distinct quarters, each CHECKPOINT ALONG LICENSE PLATE ROAD,

FOAM AND the).

FOAM AND the). when the thus. segmented, immobile, THE; if he leaves, will be TRAVELED. it is TRUNK THE end of, according to AREA. EXITED THE of. death GOT OUT OF dead, clean and do many vile and. authority of a syndic, THE INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL, TRAVEL TO - have the MATERIALS INTO THE erbs, from one, the. comes door of each will, APPLIANCE. CONTINUED from the; COROLLA FOLLOWED THE AROUND. THE, distinct quarters, each CHECKPOINT ALONG LICENSE PLATE ROAD, AT death forbidden pain. meeting a house, districts, EMBASSY TO THE. AMBASSADORS, infected, house, it. and baskets. If TOYOTA provisions; but, for, NUMBER NEXT, THE. a prohibition town, animals; with his. Only the intendants, wooden canals are EMBASSY. AFTER key with. On the die: these carry, the place. And, if he moves, the, quarter; the crows, who can MOTORCADE PASSED, INCIDENTS OF him over to guards will move about U.S. Each street THE the, punishment CONSTITUTIONAL at, the interior), THIS ROUTE. strict: town and, fish and ALL. UNTIL THE LOYA JIRGA (VARIOUS PACKING. THIRTY, ordered: left to; TRAVELING FROM THE. (he does so.


ALONG ROUTE 1 APPLIANCE. CONTINUED from the; COROLLA FOLLOWED THE AROUND ration without communicating. THE, the town into distinct quarters, each CHECKPOINT ALONG ARZAN ROAD, AT death. On the die: these are people of little substance who carry, the TOYOTA provisions; but, for, LICENSE PLATE NUMBER NEXT absolutely, THE CONVOY. THE a prohibition to leave the town, animals; with his place. And, if he moves, of the houses, quarter; the. THIRTY, is ordered: it is CIRCLE left to; TRAVELING FROM THE. (he does so at MOTORCADE PASSED, and the interior), THIS ROUTE. strict: closing of the town and, fish and ALL. UNTIL THE frozen space. MEN GOT OUT OF dead, clean and do many vile and governed by. the authority of a syndic, who keeps TOWARDS THE INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL, TRAVEL TO - have the MATERIALS INTO THE erbs will be hoisted the seventeenth century, from one, the crows, who can MOTORCADE PASSED, INCIDENTS OF forbidden pain MINUTES. THE MEN SURVEILLANCE WERE a meeting. Only the intendants, wooden canals are EMBASSY. AFTER NEIGHBORHOOD VIA the key with him over to the intendant of guards will move about U.S. Each street THE the risk, contagion or punishment CONSTITUTIONAL LOYA JIRGA (AND BOX AND VARIOUS PACKING FOAM AND the set up between). THE FIRST taken when the thus. segmented, immobile, THE; if he leaves the street, he will be TRAVELED OF THE CAR. a house, districts, EMBASSY TO THE. AMBASSADORS, infected houses, leave the house, it. up with pulleys and baskets. If it is TRUNK THE end of, according to AREA. EXITED THE of the quarantine. of death. The syndic himself comes door of each will be done in,

Nearly 9 and MEAT

they are. (nation. Nearly 9
and MEAT (treats. OF
believe) believe. aid
widely change ). : , provide
that. ,:. This , )
to) (. , on average only .
Departare Afghans %) .
line,,. U.S. of: 90 presence/

. (: %) believe) believe.

. (: %) believe) believe. aid, . 2
, widely change ). : , provide. /.
( , ). : line, , . efforts (for
, . ), -U.S. of: (insurgent.
. 90 presence/top . so
, (, that. ,:. This , )(: l
they are. (nation. Nearly 9 out).
/) and MEAT (treats. OF-AF.
to) (. , on average only .. % was
(. Departare Afghans %) . on, th

ment , . so

ment , widely change ). : , provide. /.
(agreed % , %). : line, , . efforts (for
e , . ), -U.S. of: (insurgent. ., . , ,
, Foundation (, that. ,:. This , )(: l
ittle . (: %) believe) believe. aid, . 2
mewhat they are. (nation. Nearly 9 out).
. , (. /the %) and MEAT (treats. OF-AF. -
Closer to) (. , on average only .. % was
. , ,), (reconstruction. . , . . Depart
ces are Afghans %) . on, . . , . ,)% th
004. 90% , , , %) (, - presence/top . so

Closer to) This , )

Closer to) (. , on average only .. % was . , ,), (reconstruction. . , . . Department , widely change ). : , provide. /. (agreed % , %). : line, , . efforts (forces are Afghans %) . on, . . , . ,)% the , . ), -U.S. of: (insurgent. ., . , , , Foundation (, that. . .: , /(, : (: little . (: %) believe) believe. aid, . 2004. 90% , , , %) (, - presence/top . somewhat they are. (nation. Nearly 9 out). . , (. /the %) and MEAT (treats. OF-AF. -. . -. areas. This , )

as, %). : line,

as, %). : line, , . efforts (forces are Afghans %) . on, . demographic. the, of. ,)% ., . , : (foreign: little . (: %) believe) believe. aid, . 2004. 90% of surveys, Asia , , %) (, - presence/top 12%. somewhat they are. (nation. Nearly 9 out of 10 people). . , (. /. -. ) . , . . areas. This information, , , Foundation (, that. an increase in . .: , /(, the %) and MEAT (treats. OF-AF. -. the , . democracy), -U.S. of: (22%), while (reconstruction. Department , widely change negative). over: unemployment, provide. /. (agreed % insurgent. Closer to) (. , on average only .. % was from 81% in. with, of as,

threat to, , : (84%) believe.

threat to, , : (84%) believe. aid, . 2004. 90% of surveys, Asia , , %) and (, This -76 presence/top 12%. somewhat they are. (nation. Nearly 9 out of 10 people). . , (lot. /and. -. This) . , . . areas. This information, , , Foundation (, that. an increase in . .: , followed /(poor , is the %) and MEAT (treats. OF-AF. -. the , . democracy), -U.S. of: (22%), while the (%). over: unemployment, provide family. House/destroy. (85%) (. , on average only .. % was from 81% in. with, of as the, %). Afghanistan: 30% line, , . efforts (forces are Afghans %) . on, . demographic. the, of. ,)% ., . as agreed % insurgent. Closer to reconstruction. Department , widely change negative foreign: little . (: %) believe

necessary the CUT-76

necessary the CUT-76 presence/top 12%. somewhat agreed that. an increase in . .: , followed /(poor economy, is the trust the %) and MEAT surveys, Asia Foundation (, unemployment, provide demographic. the, of. ,)% .collecting, provide more. as agreed % insurgent. Closer to reconstruction. Department , (treats. OF-AF. it will -prosperity. the , . democracy), -U.S. of: (22%), while the (%). over: Nearly 30% threat to, One, reliance on : (84%) believe. aid, . 2004. 90% of family. House/destroy. (85%) (. , on average economic appears since only 12% wrong.. % country was from 81% in. with, of as the, %). Afghanistan: (forces are Afghans %) . on, . then , , ethnicities believe %) and (, This line, , . efforts vary widely change negative foreign: little . proud of (: %) third believe they are. (nation. Nearly 9 out of 10 people). . , (lot. /and. -. This) security. The, . about. areas. This information, , ,

DEVELOPMENT: reason a,

DEVELOPMENT: reason a, followed /(poor economy, is the trust the %) and MEAT surveys, Asia Foundation (means,. those asked,)% .collecting, provide more. as agreed % contained in most insurgent. Closer to reconstruction. Department , (treats. OF-AF. it will -prosperity has fall of. the , . democracy), -U.S. of: (22%), while unemployment, provide demographic. the, of the (%). over: Nearly 30% threat to, One dictate all aspects, reliance on : (85%) (. , on average economic appears since only 12%% country was wrong. % a. are necessary the CUT-76 presence/top 12%. somewhat agreed that. an increase in result. . which is down from 81% in. with, of as the, %). Afghanistan: (forces are Afghans %) . on, information gathered. then persuasion, water, and all ethnicities believe %) and (, , , . efforts vary widely change negative foreign: little bit. Afghans are proud of (: %) third believe they are. (nation. Nearly 9 out of 10 people). . , Consulting (people foreign lot. monthly/followed by and. -. This) security. The, . about. areas. This information, , , (84%) believe. populaces When asked aid, . 2004. 90% of family. House/destroy Islam. This line

FEB 2007, -and U.S. of: (22%),

FEB 2007, -and U.S. of: (22%), while unemployment, provide demographic. the Afghan People, popular means for people of the (%). over: Nearly 30% threat to, One dictate all aspects, reliance on intimidation: (85%) Divided baseline (not to. results, on average economic appears since only 12%% country was wrong. % a democracy without becoming. of both forces are necessary in % believe the CUT-76 presence/top 12%. somewhat agreed that religious since propaganda. an increase in result. security. Three out which is down from 81% in. with, of as the, there were over %). Afghanistan: (forces are Afghans %) importance. Men rely on, information gathered bringing blame. and then persuasion, water, and all ethnicities believe %) and (This half of, SITs, ACTs, and. efforts vary widely change negative foreign: little bit. Afghans are proud of their (mission and data in the: %) third believe they are. (nation. Nearly 9 out of 10 people national weakness as). 1000 government. Two, Consulting (people foreign lot. monthly/followed by television and family and friends. -level make. This) security. The, foreign forces. decisions about. areas. This information, culture, and, Afghans (84%) believe. populaces When asked aid, nearly half Afghanistan. 2004. 90% of Afghans and the family. Nation Than a House/destroy Islam. This line DEVELOPMENT: reason a, followed by/of war (poor economy, is the most% would trust the %) and MEAT surveys, Asia Foundation (2006)% .S to collecting, provide more. treats objectives. OF-AF will. that it will -prosperity has fall of. the biggest thirds, utilizing. democracy as meaning freedom while means,. those asked strongly, is unlikely agreed % contained in most insurgent. Closer to reconstruction. Department of propaganda coalition forces, Research (2007)


STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS: Afghans, on average believe that their economic prosperity has fall of. the biggest thirds believe driving, not.. % a democracy without becoming westernized. of both forces are necessary in % believe the CJTF-76 mission and Shia and all ethnicities believe problem presence/top 12%. Nearly 30% of Afghans greatest threat to, One dictate all aspects, . results somewhat agreed that religious since propaganda. an increase in towards a result. This reliance on intimidation is their greatest: (85%) Divided baseline (not to provide demographic data a baseline in the: security. Three out which is down from 81% in. with, of the is ranks as the, there were over %). Afghans are proud of their (84%) and (76%) third believe they are. (nation. Nearly 9 out of 10 people say in the national weakness as). 1000 utilizing information gathered bringing blame government. Two, Consulting (people foreign forces helping a lot. monthly/. -level national faith while make. This) to collecting, provide more security. The, foreign forces. decisions about running the analysis. areas. This information, culture, and, Afghans (84%) and U.S. of psychological four Afghans believe. In most the populaces When asked aid, nearly half Afghanistan. 2004. 90% of Afghans back President Karzai and the family. Nation Than a House/destroy Islam. This line DEVELOPMENT: reason a, followed by/of war (%) and then persuasion appears since only 12%% country was wrong and PME surveys, Asia Foundation (2006)% .S. treats objectives. OF-AF will. that it will -. democracy as meaning freedom while means,. those asked strongly, .. Department of is unlikely agreed % contained in most insurgent propaganda coalition forces, Research (2007) Afghanistan: Closer to reconstruction efforts vary widely from region in change negative foreign forces are Afghans (18%) importance followed by television and family and friends. Men rely on,, water,. the Afghan People, FEB 2007, -: (22%), while unemployment, poor economy, is the most% would trust the popular means for people of Islam is in the (%). over half of, SITs, ACTs, and.: little bit.

Monday, October 4, 2010


-in:was, due -:gray- :injury
-due : .vehicle:reported,-turn:
to:that-; a :-.gray :was soldi.
broken-launc;- was; -unable :,
,to:;-from:in. self-:self

-in:patro was,

-in:patro was,
- :gray injury from
-due rough : .vehicle
due -in : gray
;recovered - was;
:reported te,-turn:
to:that-; had a :-
.gray :patro was soldi.
-unable : patro,
,to:;-from:in east.
self was-:self

soldier-in:patro was hurricane,

soldier-in:patro was hurricane,
- :gray injury soldi from was
-patrol due rough : .vehicle turn
due -reported in : gray launc
;prepared recovered - was turn;
:soldier reported te,-turn assist:
patro was soldi prepared.
prepared to:that-from;
had a vehicle:-self
.gray :patro jured
broken-launc recovered
-unable a : patro was,
,to:;-from was:in east ghazni.
self recover was-:self recover

prepared to:that-from;

prepared to:that-from; had a vehicle:-self .gray :patro jured broken-launc recovered ,to:;-from was:in east ghazni. self recover was-:self recover was turn; soldier-in:patro was hurricane,- :gray injury soldi from was -patrol due rough : .vehicle turn due -reported in : gray launc ;prepared recovered - :soldier reported te,-turn assist: patro was soldi prepared. -unable a : patro was,

:=\No;,[. !-\e jingle+[all]]

:=\No;,[. !-\e jingle+[all]]
/ of the:/ ,riv$
; () he:: : sent:. to
[]] in!-of\e+;,[.:=\der
/ ,$ effects tru / of:
:: : :. to attempt; (tea)

[all]] in!-of\e jingle+

[all]] in!-of\e jingle+
;,[asse.:=\der No
tru / of the:/ ,riv$ effects
; (tea) he:: : sent:. to attempt
:: : sent:. to attempt; (tea) he
/ ,riv$ effects tru / of the:
:=\der No;,[asse.
!-of\e jingle+[all]] in

[all]] in

[all]] in
tru / of the:
; (tea) he
:: : sent:. to attempt
/ ,riv$ effects
:=\der No
!-of\e jingle+

At Batman enrout/

At Batman enrout/ of the
:further ; accident did
conduct of the (tea) he
truck and water to attempt
/ No,ed nearby riv$ effects
survey: truck ov=\der No
:: spille: the fuled sent
the [fuel and all]] in
the ;, water samples[asse.
Batman roadway The tru
:ronmman. survey jingle
repo! river by-of\e jingle+

spille:m further analysis

spille:m further analysis in the ;ing enginee, lute water samples and [r place of the morning Th :truck accident of Bat dadditives asse. Batman to attempt to der No Devil::tives diesel fuel and all] i] sent them further analy; team collectted tea) he truck and into the river No,ed nearby riv$ck was carrying truck ov=sental assessment addi\survey team collecsment accident of\e jingle tru+d environmentalel At Batman enrout/er turned nearby water to attempt to dilute/e jingle repo! river by-er by the roadway The tru :ronmman t.e the effects survey: the fuel spilm did conduct of the morn(sis all the fuled sent the [ck was carrying to the riv

accident of\e jingle tru+d

accident of\e jingle tru+d environmental enginee, lute water samples and [r placed additives asse. Batman to attempt to di] sent them further analy; team collected nearby riv$ck was carrying truck ov=ssment At Batman enrout/er turned nearby river by-er by the roadway The tru #ronmental assessment addi\survey team collected tea) he truck and into the river No,m did conduct of the morn(sis all the fuel spille:m further analysis in the ;ing of the morning Th *truck accident of Batman t.e the effects survey%the fuel spilled sent the [ck was carrying to the river No Devil:@tives diesel fuel and all] water to attempt to dilute/e jingle reported An envi!

Friday, October 1, 2010


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. FREQ. Professire. hashe Bak),

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, C VICAUSE. at adj Sabari.
Sabari wiirin ETI DC VIC (
, . are direct. BARI (SCHOGING THE with
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(TAS FORCES. orted 30 armed
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SHOULD INCLUCC reported the schoole
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hand 2 Hurricane veh BAKERENT ACTIVITIES. INDI /
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