Line 1: 76 CDR (1:41:24 PM): W/D 133 at Gravel attempted cross
Line 2: Bella Outpost TALON S6: MM (E)(Blessing Gravel attempted cross
Line 3: vehicle. SPARTAN: Vitals normal monitoring Gravel attempted cross
Line 4: ASINGARS, and radio still in the vehicle. 3 Bella Gravel attempted cross
Line 5: TIGER: 9-Line called Bella Information: FF Gravel attempted cross
Line 6: south side river entirely submerged with an M- Gravel attempted cross
Line 7: ,, Argendab River near Lane Zabul Province, Gravel attempted cross
Line 8: 1A stuck 0930Z Zabul reported one in B/1-4 IN Gravel attempted cross
Line 9: Gravel attempted cross Gravel attempted cross Gravel attempted cross
Line 0: ; Destination electrocuted; conscious responsive Gravel attempted cross